Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group — Insurance Agency in Mission

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Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group

Insurance Agency at 356-, 32555 London Ave, Mission, BC V2V 6M7, Canada, Mission, British Columbia, V2V 6M7 . Here you will find detailed information about Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday
    9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Friday
    9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Saturday
    9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sunday


Based on 3 reviews


British Columbia
356-, 32555 London Ave, Mission, BC V2V 6M7, Canada, Mission, British Columbia, V2V 6M7
V2V 6M7

Photo gallery

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  • Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group road map
  • Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group satellite image

About Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group

Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group is a UK Insurance Agency based in Mission, British Columbia. Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group is located at 356-, 32555 London Ave, Mission, BC V2V 6M7, Canada,

Please contact Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies Group

  • Julia
    Added 2016.07.27
    Absolutely insane, saleswomen just shows up at parents house (dont live there) to renew policy as they apparently do all west coast automotive insurance. Saleswomen tells my mom that she apparently had an appointment to renew my insurance (no appointment was made, a call was made to me telling me 3 weeks before my insurance was up reminding me to renew, I said I would come in like the day before its up). My mom calls me and says this person is there and is saying I have to renew my insurance with her because the policy is already done. ??? How is a policy already done if I have never talked to the agent about any policy of any sort and since when do I "have to" use any agency other then the one I choose to use that particular time. I call the mission branch where that agent, who I still don't know her name, is from. The agent who answered the phone was very rude, mind you i was already kind of pissed off about what was obvious pushy sales; all the agent on the phone did is basically tell me I was wrong or lying, and that an agent would never show up to a customers house unannounced without an appointment... Is that so? If I made an appointment would you not think the agent would have the correct address? And why is their agent trying to say I HAVE to buy my policy from their branch when its an obvious bold faced lie. Never had an issue maple ridge branch, obvious the mission folks are starving for sales and these are the sorts of shenanigans they have turned to. Big fat sarcastic thumbs up mission Johnston Meier's! Don't call back!
  • Nolan
    Added 2015.01.09
    Don't go this insurance agency. I had a very bad experience with the way the manager handles disputes that ends up getting customer disgruntled and dissatisfied. I had my car transferred to my son, and ended up paying for 2 insurance policies (the old plate which I kept for souvenir and the new plate under my sons' name) The reason? Because I paid majority of the policy, I asked the employee who attended me if I could take the plate number which she gladly welcomed. Never did she explain that I will still be paying for that policy of that plate number even it's not attached to a car. I have sold at least 3 cars in BC, but this is the first time that I got to pay for the plate number that was never attached to a vehicle. The manager sided with her employee even though that employee never said anything that I should attach that plate number to a vehicle as the policy would still be active. My experience with other auto plan agencies was I can keep the old plate if I paid majority of the policy...and I didn't have to worry as the old policy as it would be deemed cancelled. My point is, whoever is right...your employee or your customer...then you should do some extra mile for "customer's satisfaction". The manager doesn't know customer service (the old adage of treating customer as your King). What is $200 that your disgruntled customer is asking for as a refund that you couldn't give in, just because you are legally correct?. Yeah right, you might be correct, keep your $200 and lose a multiple customer. Good luck to your business, I won't be renewing my 2 other cars with you, and I would convince people not to go to this branch ( as I'm sure I could convince at least 20 people in Mission sans this google review). I am not generalizing the whole Johnston Meier Insurance Agencies, I might just have picked a wrong auto plan agency in Mission.
  • Savannah
    Added 2014.09.04
    I've been using Meier insurance for a while now and it great, I usually deal with Taryn and she is an absolute joy!!
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